How it Started
Hello, I'm Bethany👋🏾...
Owner of The Elderberry Experience!
I'm a Clinical Therapist turned Elderberry Syrup Crafter. My decade of experience in the field of Mental Illness led me to advocacy around holistic approaches as the only source for true physical, mental and spiritual healing.
The Elderberry Experience was also manifested from a desire to protect myself and family from illness, and find my way back to healing by way of the resources that Mother Earth has abundantly provided.
We are the first and only company to manufacture a complete line of FLAVORED elderberry syrup.
One day while getting ready to enjoy a cup of elderberry tea, I decided to steep my tea with the core of a freshly cut mango. 🥭😋
Talk about delicious!
And just like that...
The vision behind The Elderberry Experience was birthed.
This had to be shared with the world!
From our fan favorite, The Blueberry Breather, to the bold taste of The Ginger Glow Up, immune-boosting ingredients are at the core of each recipe. Described as irresistibly delicious and uniquely bold in flavor, there's undoubtedly a flavor for every palette.
May your visit help lead to a healthier lifestyle for you and your family.
I appreciate you for finding your way here and for being willing to experience elderberry in a new way.
The History of Black Elderberries
Black Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) may be one of the most commonly used herbs for immune health, it's also quite delicious. In the United Kingdom, it's not uncommon to find Elderberry jam in corner stores, as well as cordials and sodas made from Elderflower (another part of the same plant).
Black Elderberries are high in flavonoids called anthocyanins, which give the berries their bluish-purple color, as well as another group called anthocyanidins.
These flavonoids have antioxidant properties, and they’ve also been recorded to have a high oxygen radical absorption capacity (ORAC), which is the scale by which antioxidant activity is measured.* They assist with the body's natural defenses and cell communication.*
Black Elderberry is a long-established daily tonic for both immune support and antioxidant support.
Native Habitat
Elderberries grow on a plant called elder bushes, which are widespread in North Africa, Western Asia and North America, elder bushes are commonly found growing in woodlands and hedgerows.
If you’re trying to identify elder bushes while you’re out and about in the great outdoors, they have fluffy white flowers in summer, and, later, their branches are full of plump blue-black berry clusters.
Cultural Uses of Elderberry
People have been using Elderberries for centuries. In fact, if you think about the name of the plant, you’ll see that the Elder shrub was so revered that its very name reflects the respect that it was given.
The plant has been used since the fifth century AD, and it has been revered by both people indigenous to this land and European herbalists throughout history. Indigenous people used the branches of Black Elderberry to make flutes, so it is sometimes called "the tree of music."
While today it is more common to see the berries used in herbal preparations, the flowers and leaves of the Elder plant have also historically been used.
Various parts of the plant were used to encourage healthy perspiration, healthy fluid levels, healthy bowel movements during bouts of occasional diarrhea, and healthy blood sugar levels.*
Later, the berries became known for their immune supportive properties.* That’s one of the main reasons people continue to love and use Black Elderberry today.